5 Reasons You Need This Holistic Recovery Program

  • Your Life Feels Unmanageable

  • You're Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired

  • Have Abused Alcohol to Avoid Life Situations

  • Need Help with Processing and Understanding Your Emotions

  • Desire Natural Solutions for Physical Symptoms

Does the Idea of Rehab Make You Feel Like This?


Withdrawal Relief Protocol

Essential Oil Education for Processing Emotions and Physical Symptoms
12 Step Workbook Pages

Learn Stress Resiliency

Weekly Holistic Recovery Meetings

Do You...

  • Feel Ready and Willing to Commit to Healing by Parting Ways From the Toxic Cycle of Alcohol Addiction

  • Desire for Holistic Coping Tools

  • Want Natural Support for Withdrawal Symptoms and Anxious Feelings

  • Desire Connection with a Community Committed to Heal

  • Want Support with Physical Healing by Addressing and Processing Your Emotions Safely

Hi, I'm Kim Ureta. I'm a Recovery Wellness Coach and Holistic Pain Relief Specialist. I've been teaching my clients how to heal their bodies for 15 years. I know what its like to live a double life, hiding the hurt and shame behind closed doors.

When I knew I had a problem with alcohol, I covertly sought out natural health practitioners for support... but I didn't tell them the whole truth because I was too embarrassed to admit I had a problem.

I didn't feel comfortable talking with a medical doctor.. because I didn't want them to label me and make my insurance go up! I didn't trust the solutions they would come up with like medications and in patient rehab. I can offer an understanding ear, someone who went through it and knows what it feels like.

Together we can make a plan to get relief for your physical symptoms like withdrawal, anxious feelings, trouble sleeping, physical pain, stress, cravings and more.

You'll have access to weekly Holistic Recovery Meetings, and a video library to learn healthy coping tools like breathe work, essential oil education, and how to feel your feelings safely.

Call 760-646-3140

Email: kimureta@essentialoilsforaddiction.com

Site: www.recoverywellness.net

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